Annual Report

GRI indicators table and contents of Law 11/2018

GRI indicators table and contents of Law 11/2018

GRI 102: General Contents

GRI Standard



1. Profile of the organisation


Name of the organisation

Viscofan Group


Activities, brands, products and services

Our business model: Competitive advantages

Commercial and supply management: Product range


Location of the headquarters

Polígono Industrial Berroa

C/Berroa, 15 – 4ª planta

31192 Tajonar (Navarra) - España


Location of the operations

Our business model: Competitive advantages


Property and legal status

Corporate Governance: Governing bodies


Markets served

Our business model


Size of the organisation

2019 results


Information about employees and other workers

Work management


Supply chain

Commercial and supply management


Significant changes in the organisation and its supply chain

Letter from the Chairman


2019 results


Precautionary principle or approach

Commercial and supply management: Product safety and food hygiene

Environmental management: Management approach


Iniciativas externas

Letter from the Chairman


Affiliation to associations 


Affiliation to associations

Human rights and impact in society: Partnerships

2. Strategy


Statement of senior management responsible for decision-making

Letter from the Chairman


Main impacts, risks and opportunities

Risk management

3. Ethics and integrity


Values, principles, standards and rules of conduct

Our business model: Mission, vision and values

Corporate Governance: Good governance practicesRegulatory compliance system y Prevention of corruption and fraud 

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights y Supervising compliance


Mechanisms of advice and ethical concerns

Corporate Governance: Regulatory compliance system 

Human rights and impact in society: Supervising compliance

4. Governance


Governance structure

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies y Risk management


Delegation of authority

Governance: Governing Bodies


Executive responsibility regarding financial, environmental and social issues

Our business model: More To Be strategy

Corporate Governance: Governing BodiesPrevention of corruption and fraud, Risk management

Environmental management: Management approach

Human rights and impact in society: Supervising compliance


Consultation with stakeholders regarding financial, environmental and social issues

Fundamentals: Materiality


Composition of the senior governance body and its committees

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Chairman of the senior governance body and its committees

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Appointment and selection of the senior governance body

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Conflicts of interest



Function of the senior governance body in the selection of objectives, values and strategy

Our business model: More To Be strategy

Corporate Governance


Collective knowledge of the senior governance body

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Performance assessment of the senior governance body

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Identification and management of financial, environmental and social impacts

Fundamentals: Materiality

Corporate Governance: Good governance practicesGoverning BodiesRegulatory compliance systemPrevention of corruption and fraud and Risk management.

Environmental management: Management approach

Human rights and impact in society: Supervising compliance


Efficacy of the risk management processes

Corporate Governance: Risk management


Assessment of financial, environmental and social issues

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Function of the senior governance body in the preparation of sustainability reports

Corporate Governance: Good governance practices, Governing Bodies


Communication of critical concerns

Fundamentals: Relations with our stakeholders

Corporate Governance: Regulatory compliance system

Viscofan in the Stock Market: Communication channels


Nature and total number of critical concerns

Corporate Governance: Regulatory compliance system


Remuneration policies

The Board of Directors annual remuneration report is available at


Process for determining the remuneration

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies


Involvement of stakeholders in the remuneration

The Board of Directors annual remuneration report is available at

5. Participation of stakeholders


List of stakeholders

Fundamentals: Relations with our stakeholders


Collective bargaining agreements

Work management: Employment and remuneration

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights


Identification and selection of stakeholders

Fundamentals: Relations with our stakeholders


Approach for the participation of stakeholders

Fundamentals: Relations with our stakeholders


Key issues and concerns mentioned


6. Practices for preparing reports


Entities included in the consolidated financial statement

Consolidated financial statement of the Viscofan group. Note 2


Definition of the contents of the reports and the coverage of the issue



List of material issues

Fundamentals: Materiality


Re-expression of the information

Re-expression of the information No significant re-expressions in the period


Changes in the preparation of reports



Period covered by the report

The integrated annual report reflects the financial, social and environmental activity carried out by the Viscofan Group in 2019.


Date of last report

2018 Annual Integrated Report, Financial Statement and Annual Accounts


Cycle of the preparation of reports



Point of contact for report-related queries

Events after the balance sheet date


Declaration of preparation of the report in accordance with GRI standards



Table of GRI contents

Table of GRI indicators


External verification


GRI 103: Management approach

GRI Standard




Explanation of the material issue and its coverage

Fundamentals: Materiality


The management approach and its components


Ver apartados: Corporate GovernanceCommercial and supply managementWork managementEnvironmental managementHuman rights and impact in societyViscofan in the stock market 

The policies of the different areas are detailed in the Good Governance Practices, within the Corporate Governance section.


Assessment of the management approach


GRI 200: Financial

GRI Standard



GRI 201: Financial performance


Direct generated and distributed financial value

Fundamentals. Generated and distributed value matrix

Commercial and supply management

Work management

Environmental management

Human rights and impact in society

Viscofan in the stock market


Obligations of the benefits plan and other retirement plans

Work management: Employment and remuneration


Financial aid received from the government

Human rights and impact in society: Responsible taxation

GRI 202: Presence in the market


Ratio of standard initial category salary by gender compared to the local minimum wage

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights


Proportion of senior management hired from the local community

Work management: Multicultural team

GRI 203: Indirect financial impacts


Investments in infrastructure and supported services

Letter from the Chairman

Work management: Workplace safety

Environmental management


Significant indirect financial impacts

2019 results

GRI 204: Purchase practices


Proportion of expense with local suppliers.

Commercial and supply management: Selection of suppliers

GRI 205: Anti-corruption


Transactions assessed for corruption-related risks

Corporate Governance: Prevention of corruption and fraud


Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

Corporate Governance: Regulatory Compliance SystemPrevention of corruption and fraud

Work management: Professional Development

Human rights and impact in society: Supervising compliance


Confirmed cases of corruption and measures taken

Corporate Governance: Prevention of corruption and fraud

GRI 206: Unfair competition


Legal actions related to unfair competition, monopolistic practices and against free competition

Corporate Governance: Prevention of corruption and fraud


GRI Standard



GRI 302: Energy


Energy consumption within the organisation

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions


Energy intensity

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions


Reduction of energy consumption

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions

GRI 303: Water


Water extraction by source

Environmental management: Responsible management of water


Water sources significantly affected by water extraction

Environmental management: Responsible management of water


Recycled and reused water

Environmental management: Responsible management of water

GRI 305: Emissions


Direct emissions of GHG (scope 1)

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions


Indirect emissions of GHG from generating energy (scope 2)

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions


Intensity of GHG emissions

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions


Reduction of GHG emissions

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions


Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulphur oxides (SOX) and other
significant air emissions

Environmental management: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. In 2018, information was collected from the EHS corporate department of regarding other issues, at a consolidated level.

GRI 306: Effluents and waste


Wastewater according to its quality and destination

Environmental management: Responsible management of water


Waste by type and disposal method

Environmental management: Circular economy Efficient use of raw materials and minimisation of waste


Significant spills/leaks

Environmental management: Circular economy Efficient use of raw materials and minimisation of waste

GRI 307: Environmental compliance


Non-compliance with environmental legislation and regulations

Environmental management

In Brazil there is an administrative environmental record opened in 2010 for which a resolution has not been received yet although a favourable resolution is considered possible.

GRI 308: Environmental evaluation of suppliers


New suppliers that have passed screening filters according to environmental criteria

Commercial and supply management: Product range,  Selection of suppliers

Environmental management: Circular economy Efficient use of raw materials and minimisation of waste


GRI Standard



GRI 401: Employment


New employee hiring and staff rotation

Work management: Employment and remuneration

GRI 402: Worker-company relations


Minimum warning periods for operational changes

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights

GRI 403: Workplace health and safety


Types of accidents and frequency of accidents,
occupational illnesses, days lost, absenteeism and number of deaths due to work-related accidents or occupational illnesses

Work management: Workplace safety


Worker training on occupational health and safety

Work management: Workplace safety

GRI 404: Training and teaching


Average number of training hours per employee

Work management: Professional development


Programmes to improve employee skills and transition assistance programmes

Work management: Professional development


Percentage of employees who receive periodic
performance and professional development assessments

Work management: Professional development

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunities  


Diversity in governing bodies and employees

Corporate Governance: Governing Bodies

Work management: Equality and work-life balance


Ratio of base salary and remuneration of women to men

Work management: Employment and remuneration

GRI 406: Non-Discrimination


Cases of discrimination and corrective actions undertaken

Human rights and impact in society: Supervising compliance

GRI 407: Right to freedom of association and collective bargaining


Operations and suppliers whose right to freedom of
association and collective bargaining could be at risk

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights

Commercial and supply management: Selection of suppliers

GRI 408: Child labour


Operations and suppliers with significant risk of cases of child labour

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights

Commercial and supply management: Selection of suppliers

GRI 409: Forced or compulsory labour


Operations and suppliers with significant risk of cases of
forced or compulsory labour

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights

Commercial and supply management: Selection of suppliers

GRI 412: Assessment of human rights


Training of employees in human rights policies or procedures

Work management: Professional development

Human rights and impact in society: Supervising compliance

GRI 413: Local communities


Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes

Human rights and impact in society: Commitment to our communities

Environmental management

GRI 414: Social assessment of suppliers


New suppliers that have passed screening filters according to social criteria

Commercial and supply management: Selection of suppliers

Human rights and impact in society: Our main lines of action in human rights

GRI 416: Health and safety of customers


Assessment of the health and safety impacts of the categories of products or services

Commercial and supply management: Product safety and food hygiene

GRI 417: Marketing and labelling


Requirements for information and labelling of products and services

Commercial and supply management: Customer satisfaction

GRI 418: Customer privacy


Complaints based on violations of the customer’s
privacy and loss of the customer’s data

Commercial and supply management: Customer satisfaction

Contents of Law 11/2018 Non-Financial Information and Diversity

Standard used

Business Model

Description of the group's business model

Brief description of the group's business model, which will include its business environment, its organization and structure, the markets in which it operates, its objectives and strategies, and the main factors and trends that may affect its future evolution.

GRI 102-2 Activities, brands, products and services

GRI 102-4 Localisation of the activities

GRI 102-6 Markets served

GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-7 Size of the organisation

Information on environmental issues


Policies applied by the group, including the due diligence procedures applied for identification, evaluation, prevention and mitigation of significant risks and impacts, and for verification and control, as well as the measures that have been adopted.

GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components

GRI 103-3 Assessment of the management approach

Main risks

The main risks in connection with these issues related to the group's activities, including, where relevant and proportionate, its business relationships, products or services that may have negative effects in those areas, and how the group manages those risks, detailing the procedures used to detect and evaluate them in accordance with national, European or international reference frameworks for each issue. Information on the impacts that have been detected should be included, offering a breakdown of them, in particular on the main short, medium and long term risks.

GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-11 Precautionary principle or approach

GRI 102-30 Efficacy of the risk management processes


Current and foreseeable effects of the company's activities on the environment and, where appropriate, on health and safety

GRI 102-15 Main impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-29 Identification and management of financial, environmental and social impacts

GRI 102-31 Assessment of financial, environmental and social issues

·Environmental assessment or certification procedures

GRI 102-11 Precautionary principle or approach

GRI 102-29 Identification and management of financial, environmental and social impacts

GRI 102-30 Efficacy of the risk management processess

· Resources dedicated to the prevention of environmental risks

GRI 102-29 Identification and management of financial, environmental and social impacts

· Application of the precautionary principle

GRI 102-11 Precautionary principle or approach

· Provisions and guarantees for environmental risks

GRI 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental legislation and regulations (Autonomous Community)


Measures to prevent, reduce or repair carbon emissions that seriously affect the environment, taking into account any form of air pollution specific to an activity, including noise and light pollution

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (with a view to GRI 302 y 305)

GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

GRI 305-7 NOx, SOx and other significant atmospheric emissions

Circular Economy and prevention and waste management

Measures for prevention, recycling, reuse, other forms of recovery and waste disposal. Actions to combat food waste

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Effluents and waste)

GRI 303-3 Recycled and reused water

GRI 306-1 Wastewater according to its quality and destination

GRI 306-2 Waste by type and method of disposal

Sustainable use of resources

Water consumption and water supply according to local limitations

GRI 303-1 Water extraction by source

GRI 303-2 Water sources significantly affected by water extraction

GRI 303-3 Recycled and reused water

Consumption of raw materials and the measures taken to improve the efficiency of their use


Energy: Consumption, direct and indirect; Measures taken to improve energy efficiency, Use of renewable energy

GRI 103-2 Management approach (Energy)

GRI 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation

GRI 302-3 Energy intensity

GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

Climate Change

Emissions of greenhouse gases

GRI 305-1 Direct emissions of GHG (scope 1)

GRI 305-2 Indirect emissions of GHG from generating energy (scope 2)

GRI 305-4 Intensity of GHG emissions

Measures taken to adapt to the consequences of Climate Change

GRI 102-15 Main impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components

GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

Reduction goals established voluntarily in the medium and long term to reduce GHG emissions and means implemented for this purpose.

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Reduction of GHG emissions)

Protection of biodiversity

Measures taken to preserve or restore biodiversity

Non material

Impacts caused by activities or operations in protected areas

Non material

Information on environmental issues


Policies applied by the group, including the due diligence procedures applied for identification, evaluation, prevention and mitigation of significant risks and impacts, and for verification and control, as well as the measures that have been adopted.

GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components

GRI 103-3 Assessment of the management approach

GRI 102-35 Remuneration policies

Main risks

Main risks related to these issues related to the activities of the group, including, where relevant and proportionate, their business relationships, products or services that may have negative effects in those areas, and how the group manages those risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and evaluate them in accordance with national, European or international reference frameworks for each subject. Information on the impacts that have been detected should be included, offering a breakdown of them, in particular on the main short, medium and long term risks.

GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-30 Efficacy of the risk management processes


Total number and distribution of employees by sex, age, country and professional classification

GRI 102-7 Size of the organisation

GRI 102-8 Information about employees and other workers

GRI 405-1. b) The percentage of employees by employment category for each of the following diversity categories: gender and age group

Total number and distribution of employment contract type

GRI 102-8 Information about employees and other workers

Annual average of indefinite, temporary and part-time contracts by sex, age and professional classification

GRI 102-8 Information about employees and other workers

Number of layoffs by sex, age and professional classification

GRI 401-1.b) Total number and turnover rate of personnel during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region (in relation to dismissals)

Average remuneration and its evolution disaggregated by sex, age and professional classification or equal value

GRI 405-2: Ratio of base salary and remuneration of women to men for each job category

Wage gap

GRI 405-2: Ratio of base salary and remuneration of women to men for each job category

Compensation for equal or average jobs in society

GRI 405-2 Ratio of standard initial category salary by gender compared to the local minimum wage

The average remuneration of directors and managers, including variable remuneration, allowances, compensation, payment to long-term savings forecasting systems and any other perception disaggregated by sex

GRI 102-35 Remuneration policies

GRI 102-36 Process for determining remuneration (for the management approach)

GRI 201-3 Obligations derived from social benefit plans and other retirement plans

Implementation of work disconnection measures

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (work disconnection)

Employees with disabilities

GRI 405-1. b) Percentage of employees by employment category for each of the following diversity categories (iii. Vulnerable groups).

Work organisation

Organization of working time

GRI 102-8. c) The total number of employees by type of employment contract (full-time or part-time) and by gender.

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Organisation of work)

Number of absenteeism hours

GRI 403-2 Types of accidents and ratios of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of related deaths (section a)

Measures aimed at facilitating the enjoyment of conciliation and encouraging the co-responsible exercise of these by both parents.

GRI 103-2 Management approach

Health and safety

Health and safety conditions at work

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Health and Safety)

Work accidents (frequency and severity) disaggregated by sex

GRI 403-2 Types of accidents and ratios of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of related deaths

Occupational diseases (frequency and severity) disaggregated by sex

GRI 403-2 Types of accidents and ratios of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of related deaths

Social Relations

Organization of social dialogue, including procedures for informing and consulting staff and negotiating with them

GRI 102-43 Approach for the participation of stakeholders (regarding unions and collective bargaining)

GRI 402-1 Minimum warning periods for operational changes

Percentage of employees covered by collective agreement by country

GRI 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements

Balance of collective agreements, particularly in the field of health and safety at work

GRI 403-1 Representation of workers in joint health and safety committees


Policies implemented in the field of training

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Training and Teaching)

Total number of hours of training by professional categories

GRI 404-1 Average training hours per employee per year


Universal accessibility of people with disabilities

GRI 103-2 Enfoque de Gestión (Diversidad e igualdad de oportunidades y No-discriminación)


Measures taken to promote equal treatment and opportunities between men and women

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Diversity and equal opportunities)

Equality plans

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Diversity and equal opportunities and Non-discrimination)

Measures to promote employment

GRI 103-2 Management approach (Employment)

Protocols against sexual and sexual harassment

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Diversity and equal opportunities and Non-discrimination)

The integration and universal accessibility of people with disabilities

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Diversity and equal opportunities and Non-discrimination)

Policy against all types of discrimination and, where appropriate, diversity management

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Diversity and equal opportunities and Non-discrimination)

GRI 406-1 Cases of discrimination and corrective actions undertaken

Information on respect for human rights


Policies applied by the group, including the due diligence procedures applied for identification, evaluation, prevention and mitigation of significant risks and impacts, and for verification and control, as well as the measures that have been adopted.

GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components

GRI 103-3 Assessment of the management approach

GRI 412-2 Training of employees in human rights policies or procedures

Main risks

Main risks related to these issues related to the activities of the group, including, where relevant and proportionate, their business relationships, products or services that may have negative effects in those areas, and how the group manages those risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and evaluate them in accordance with national, European or international reference frameworks for each subject. Information on the impacts that have been detected should be included, offering a breakdown of them, in particular on the main short, medium and long term risks.

GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-30 Efficacy of the risk management processes

Human Rights

Application of due diligence procedures in human rights

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Assessment of Human Rights)

Prevention of risks of violation of human rights and, where appropriate, measures to mitigate, manage and repair possible abuses committed

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Assessment of Human Rights)

GRI 412-1 Operations subject to revisions or evaluations of impact on human rights

Complaints for cases of human rights violations

GRI 102-17 Mechanisms of advice and ethical concerns

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Assessment of Human Rights)

GRI 102-17 Mechanisms of advice and ethical concerns (complaints received and resolution

GRI 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic fields

Promotion and compliance with the provisions of the ILO fundamental conventions related to respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation, the elimination of forced or compulsory labor and the effective abolition of child labor

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Non-discrimination, Freedom of association and collective bargaining, Child Labour, Forced or compulsory labour and Human Rights)

Information related to the fight against corruption and bribery


Policies applied by the group, including the due diligence procedures applied for identification, evaluation, prevention and mitigation of significant risks and impacts, and for verification and control, as well as the measures that have been adopted.

GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components

GRI 103-3 Assessment of the management approach

GRI 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

Main risks

Main risks related to these issues related to the activities of the group, including, where relevant and proportionate, their business relationships, products or services that may have negative effects in those areas, and how the group manages those risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and evaluate them in accordance with national, European or international reference frameworks for each subject. Information on the impacts that have been detected should be included, offering a breakdown of them, in particular on the main short, medium and long term risks.

GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-30 Efficacy of the risk management processes

GRI 205-1 Transactions assessed in relation to corruption-related risks

Corruption and bribery

Measures taken to prevent corruption and bribery

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (with a view to GRI 205 Anti-corruption) - Presenting indicator 205-2 also covers this requirement of law

Measures to fight money laundering

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Anti-corruption)

Contributions to foundations and non-profit organizations

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Anti-corruption)

GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed (Investments in the Community)

GRI 203-2 Significant indirect financial impacts

Company information


Policies applied by the group, including the due diligence procedures applied for identification, evaluation, prevention and mitigation of significant risks and impacts, and for verification and control, as well as the measures that have been adopted.

GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components

GRI 103-3 Assessment of the management approach

Main risks

Main risks related to these issues related to the activities of the group, including, where relevant and proportionate, their business relationships, products or services that may have negative effects in those areas, and how the group manages those risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and evaluate them in accordance with national, European or international reference frameworks for each subject. Information on the impacts that have been detected should be included, offering a breakdown of them, in particular on the main short, medium and long term risks.

GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks and opportunities

GRI 102-30 Efficacy of the risk management processes

Company commitment with the sustainable development

Impact of society's activity on employment and local development

GRI 203-2 Significant indirect financial impacts

GRI 204-1 Proportion of expense with local suppliers.

GRI 413-1 Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes

Impact of the activity of society on local populations and in the territory

GRI 203-2 Significant indirect financial impacts

GRI 413-1 Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes

Relationships maintained with local community actors and the modalities of dialogue

GRI 102-43 Approach for the participation of stakeholders (regarding the community)

GRI 413-1 Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes

Partnership or sponsorship actions

GRI 102-13 Affiliation to associations

GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed (Investments in the Community)

Outsourcing and suppliers

Inclusion in the purchasing policy of social, gender equality and environmental issues

GRI 103-3 Management Approach (Environmental and social assessment of suppliers)

Consideration in the relations with suppliers and subcontractors of their social and environmental responsibility

GRI 102-9 Supply chain

GRI 103-3 Management Approach (Environmental and social assessment of suppliers)

GRI 308-1 New suppliers that have passed assessment and screening filters according to environmental criteria

GRI 407-1 Operations and suppliers whose right to freedom of association and collective bargaining could be at risk

GRI 409-1 Operations and suppliers with significant risk of cases of forced or compulsory labour

GRI 414-1 New suppliers that have passed screening filters according to social criteria

Supervision systems and audits and their results

GRI 308-1 New suppliers that have been assessed according to environmental criteria

Tax information

Measures for the health and safety of consumers

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Health and Safety of Customers)

GRI 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of the categories of products or services

GRI 417-1 Requirements for information and labelling of products and services

Complaint systems, complaints received and resolution thereof

GRI 102-17 Mechanisms of advice and ethical concerns (complaints received and resolution)

GRI 103-2 Management Approach (Health and Safety of Customers)

GRI 418-1 Substantial complaints related to gaps in customer privacy and loss of customer data.

Información fiscal

Benefits obtained by country

GRI 201-1 insofar as it affects payments to public administrations

Taxes on benefits paid

GRI 201-1 insofar as it affects payments to public administrations

Public grants received

GRI 201-4 Financial aid received from the government

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